National Robotics builds a variety of robotic products, our flagship product however is a humanoid robot, or android. These can be customized to your liking from the build your own menu. In addition to this, the androids work with accessories, household appliances, and a full ecosystem of devices that include phones, tablets, desktops, consoles and more. It integrates directly with the Rational Data hardware lines and is designed to provide an individual, family or business with a complete solution set.
Integrated with the new web 3.0 and 4th industrial revolution technology, it is designed to be sustainable, serve the greater good and support planetary sustainability.
For so long, educational institutions have been tasked with turning out individuals that fit within our modern day industrial society. Learning has been around specific siloes of knowldege and skill sets. Androds draw on network learning paradigms, as the network grows there is a larger experience base for them to draw from.
Buying an android for your family is a lot like buying a car, and in fact you can buy various modes of transportation, along with androids and full form factor computing ecosystems that all work together.
No longer is are the pardigms of slash and burn economics, along with continious growth and consumption a viable way of life for the human species. As individuals we can see the value in acting for the greater good, the well being of the species as well as that of other species.. This means that we need better more efficient ways to produce goods and services. Androids can serve in multiple capacities along these lines.
The Androids work with other operating systems and integrate with other multi-form factor hardware (desktop, laptops, tablets, phone and other devices) plus robotics hardware and Androids.